Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Can I explain the map of the US?

I work in customer service for an internet based company. I take calls all day and help people get their orders straightened out. It seems to be little more than internet babysitting at some times. America is full of procrastinators. I understand in a way. I'm a procrastinator by nature. I don't, however, think that I can order something on Wednesday and have it be shipped half way across the country by Friday without paying out the nose for it. I sometimes wonder if these people have even seen a map. Seriously. Have they seen a gas prices lately? How do you think it won't cost some serious cash? More than likely it will have to be flown to you. Yes, we can get it to you, but we can't do it for free. Let me give you the gift of a map.

Most people are nice and friendly. They want to talk to you and probably are happy that when they call the company that they get an actual human. No buttons to push, no playing the game of please hold and listen to our elevator music while we sit and file our fingernails. That is one big plus. We get to hear about their lives, their parties, their celebrations. I've also taken a few calls that were for sympathy gifts. These tear at your heart. I've been told that you will get to a point where it doesn't affect you and you can leave it at the office. I'm not so sure. I don't know that I'll ever get to a point where someone tells me about a loss that doesn't make me sad for them.

And one more tip before I log off for the night. If you are going to have music on your cell phone for people to listen to as they wait for you to answer, make sure it is not comprised of the words bitches, hos, and fuck. Thanks. :)

Monday, August 06, 2007

Getting Started

So a friend told me that I should start blogging. I find it odd that anyone would want to read about my not so exciting life. First I kept trying to think of a clever name for the blog. Mommy musings, random ramblings, boring blathering... Perhaps I'll think of something inspiring another time.

Where to start...I'm a mom of 3 adorable (yeah I'm not biased or anything) kids. They are 9, 7 and 3 1/2. You can bet that there aren't many dull moments around our house. I work full time and also am a co-leader for both of my daughters' Girl Scout Troops.
I like to read, play on the internet (ya think?) and knit (when I can motivate myself).

I am a huge Dixie Chicks fan. You can blather on all you want about how treasonous you find them and how you find yourself so amusing by calling Natalie by the name Fatalie, but it won't matter. I've heard or read it all before and it hasn't changed my opinion of these extremely talented and brave women. In a word they are amazing. Expect much more blogging about them. Don't like it? Then just keep on surfing away from my blog.

I like funny and/or romantic sappy movies. There are a handful of TV shows I can't miss. Among these are Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters.

I'm not sure what this blog will end up being all about, but I'm going to give it that old college try. Let's see if I can come up with anything interesting to ramble on about.