Thursday, July 10, 2008

More office talk

My hubby thinks I should just start an anonymous customer service blog. I come home and just babble about the calls I take. For now I'll just blog here.

This week the favorite seems to be " I have a question about your *insert product name here*." Why not just ask the question? I always say something in response and they sit in silence. I have to pry out of them what it is they want to know. Usually the answer is staring them in the face. In print. On their screen. I read them the answer. Maybe it sounds petty, afterall it is my job to answer their questions, but would it kill them to read? .

One of the other gals at work, that works in a different department, but in the same general office area had a hissy fit last week that we weren't being compassionate enough in response to a customer's complaint. The person who spoke with said customer was very kind and went by the procedures to help her. Upon hanging up we laughed at her repeated use of the word fricking. We understood how upset she must be since the delivery hadn't made it to her and the brown company of package delivery said that they had left it at her door and it wasn't exactly there. We just laughed because though the rep speaking to her couldn't actually do it, she really just wanted to tell her to let loose with the f-bomb. The other employee said she was just sick of it, just sick of listening to us. Perhaps it just made her realize that when she calls a company about a mistake with her order the people there hang up and laugh at what she said. Of course in an office full of women someone is bound to be bitchy.

I don't think we were cruel, I think that when you get bitched at day after day and are the outlet for the customer's frustration that you have to get it out. You'd go home and explode otherwise. At least we have the courtesy to either be done on the phone or put them on hold and mumble obscenities. I had a phone rep laugh right at me when I was less than happy with their service.

Another lovely trait this week is that most of the people who call and ask a question or get information so that they can call back to place an order want your name. And you know that when they ask that you are the only one who will be able to help them. It's a strange, instant bonding when you answer their question and let them know that what they want is possible. Kind of empowering. Like you hung the moon for them. But then again, when the person seems a bit off kilter or has an accent so thick you need a cleaver to get through it, then you know that they won't forget you and you are in for trouble.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fantasy Island

As adults are we supposed to stop daydreaming? I admit it. I have an active imagination. No, I don't believe that any of the fantasies/daydreams will actually happen, but it doesn't stop them from playing through my head. Does that sound stupid? Are we supposed to give up flights of fancy once we reach a certain age?
My mind wanders and I find my thoughts drifting to the impossible. It would seem that my blog would be a lot more full of incredible stories and writing finesse with my active imagination. I think I lack discipline and determination. What do I mean think?

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Why are women so catty?

I notice it at work, online, on TV. Women can be friendly and still end up sniping at each other, talking about each other and being generally bitchy. Why? I don't think males go through this. They may get pissy with each other but it doesn't seem as catty as women. Is it hormones? Pheromones? What makes us do this? Why can't we just be happy that someone else is doing well, looks great, is happy? Is it a competition thing? Does it make us feel better about our own inadequacies?
I swear the object of contempt could be a virtual Mother Teresa and there'd still be crap flung her way.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Can I explain the map of the US?

I work in customer service for an internet based company. I take calls all day and help people get their orders straightened out. It seems to be little more than internet babysitting at some times. America is full of procrastinators. I understand in a way. I'm a procrastinator by nature. I don't, however, think that I can order something on Wednesday and have it be shipped half way across the country by Friday without paying out the nose for it. I sometimes wonder if these people have even seen a map. Seriously. Have they seen a gas prices lately? How do you think it won't cost some serious cash? More than likely it will have to be flown to you. Yes, we can get it to you, but we can't do it for free. Let me give you the gift of a map.

Most people are nice and friendly. They want to talk to you and probably are happy that when they call the company that they get an actual human. No buttons to push, no playing the game of please hold and listen to our elevator music while we sit and file our fingernails. That is one big plus. We get to hear about their lives, their parties, their celebrations. I've also taken a few calls that were for sympathy gifts. These tear at your heart. I've been told that you will get to a point where it doesn't affect you and you can leave it at the office. I'm not so sure. I don't know that I'll ever get to a point where someone tells me about a loss that doesn't make me sad for them.

And one more tip before I log off for the night. If you are going to have music on your cell phone for people to listen to as they wait for you to answer, make sure it is not comprised of the words bitches, hos, and fuck. Thanks. :)

Monday, August 06, 2007

Getting Started

So a friend told me that I should start blogging. I find it odd that anyone would want to read about my not so exciting life. First I kept trying to think of a clever name for the blog. Mommy musings, random ramblings, boring blathering... Perhaps I'll think of something inspiring another time.

Where to start...I'm a mom of 3 adorable (yeah I'm not biased or anything) kids. They are 9, 7 and 3 1/2. You can bet that there aren't many dull moments around our house. I work full time and also am a co-leader for both of my daughters' Girl Scout Troops.
I like to read, play on the internet (ya think?) and knit (when I can motivate myself).

I am a huge Dixie Chicks fan. You can blather on all you want about how treasonous you find them and how you find yourself so amusing by calling Natalie by the name Fatalie, but it won't matter. I've heard or read it all before and it hasn't changed my opinion of these extremely talented and brave women. In a word they are amazing. Expect much more blogging about them. Don't like it? Then just keep on surfing away from my blog.

I like funny and/or romantic sappy movies. There are a handful of TV shows I can't miss. Among these are Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters.

I'm not sure what this blog will end up being all about, but I'm going to give it that old college try. Let's see if I can come up with anything interesting to ramble on about.